There are Only Three Good Tim Burton Films
One of my wildest fantasies is to punch Tim Burton in the jaw. Plain and simple. There’s a full list of people I’d love to punch in the...

Please Stop Making War Movies
I would say that you couldn’t pay me enough to watch a war movie, but joke’s on me, I ended up seeing Dunkirk in theaters a few weeks...

Was the Romance in Baby Driver Necessary?
I usually don’t see movies in the theater twice, but somehow, I had the pleasure of seeing Baby Driver that many times. The first time, I...
The Princess Bride Talks Back
When I was a kid, my sister and I used to watch a lot of movies together. This was especially true when we would go visit relatives. The...

Breaking Down the Tension with Dance
A few months ago on Twitter, I set up a poll asking if the dance scene in Beetlejuice is better than the dance scene in Ex Machina. I was...

More Mako, Please
To every person who’s known me since 2013, I’m so sorry for what you’re about to read. If you knew me then, you definitely heard me talk...

We're in the Timeline the 2002 Version of My Neighbor Totoro Has Been Forgotten
While the world busted into the DVD lifestyle in the early 2000s, I was lovingly living in the Stone Age with a VHS player. At age eight,...

Do I Really Like Documentaries if I Only Watch 3 a Year?
The easiest lie to tell anybody is, “I love documentaries.” I say this a lot, because in theory I love them, but in reality I watch maybe...
Drowning the Nostalgia
At the prime age of eleven, I dragged my poor mother and a friend to see the Night M. Shyamalan masterpiece Lady in the Water. I was so...
Please Stop Trying to Get Me to Watch Princess Bride
There’s a scene in A Clockwork Orange where the main character is held down and is brainwashed into hating violence and feeling nauseous...