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Teresa Navarro is, to put it lightly, an annoying millennial. If she’s not working on mlog she’s probably working retail or trying to devise a way to get rich quick. Her interests are shit talking movies, stickers, crying, and chapstick use. She is attempting to be a writer in these trying times where nobody is willing to pay artists and has finally started a blog after some random stranger gave her the wonderful advice to start a blog; as if nobody told her that before.


Her wildest fantasy is to have enough money to move out of her mom’s house. She also wishes she was a gameshow host. 


mlog is a movie blog where Teresa can explore movies without feeling the pressure of having to watch something frequently. She loves watching movies, but never really gets a chance to do so. mlog was created so she could talk about movies in the abstract, or so she claims. mlog’s real goal is about building a portfolio and gaining notoriety on the Internet. Teresa might as well be transparent about all of this. Consider hiring her to write for your website/paper/journal/whatever. Please, she’s broke.


Contact Teresa for more information at Phone number is eligible upon request.

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mlog created by Teresa Navarro. Header image by Trent Consalvo. Website created with Wix.
I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.


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